Register and privacy statement

Scandinavian Kayaking Adventures register and privacy statement

This register and privacy statement provides information according to the Finnish data protection law (Tietosuojalaki) and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.

Data controller

Scandinavian Kayaking Adventures/ SoftBox, 1034495-8; Aittoniementie 67; 12750 PILPALA; SUOMI; postbox(at)

Contact person

Peter Östberg; phone: 0445319200

Name of the register

Scandinavian Kayaking Adventures register of customers

Purpose and basis of the processing of personal data

The purpose of processing personal data is to maintain Scandinavian Kayaking Adventures register of customers, handle customer relations, and also administration and handling of orders, customer letters, information and newsletters.

Content of the register

The register contains the following information: name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, weight, length, kayak, paddling activity, time and place for the paddling activity.

Regular sources of data

The personal data is received from the customers themselves in connection with booking a paddling activity, by email or by telephone.

Protection of personal data and information safety

Digitally handled personal data is protected and saved in Scandinavian Kayaking Adventure’s system, to which only persons who need the data in question to carry out their job are given access. The persons in question use personal usernames and passwords. The personal data is protected from handling by outsiders, and the handling of personal data is monitored. Used terminals and storage media are encrypted. Personal data manually handled is stored behind locked doors.

Transfer and disclosures of personal data

Personal data is not disclosed to third parties, except to outside tour guides or course instructors, and for activities concerning the website’s technological management. Personal data are not transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

Customer rights

According to applicable law the customer has the right to get access to and to inspect data concerning himself or herself, and to demand such data to be erased. Without customer’s demand for erasure of his/ her personal data, the personal data will be stored as long as it performs its function.


On Scandinavian Kayaking Adventure’s internet pages cookies are used, i e a small text file is sent to the user’s computer. Cookies improve the user’s user experience. Cookies are used to improve our service through registering the amount of times the internet pages are shown, amount of visitors, user behaviour, and type of web browser used. We are not saving any personal data using cookies. By using our website the user approve cookies to be saved in user’s computer. The cookies can be turned off in the web browser’s security settings, but by doing that it means our website doesn’t work as it is intended to.

This register and privacy statement is updated 14.5.2019